NZCLA: 2015 Seminar Series

Auckland,  8 & 9 May 2015

This year the Seminar content is designed to challenge you.

Starting Friday the question is: Infant Sleep? Reflux? Posterior Tongue-ties? ‘The Lenses That We Wear’ can significantly colour our thinking and our practice; whether something actually exists and whether it’s been diagnosed and treated “correctly”.

On Saturday, we’re following-on from last year’s successful event which focused on a national pathway for the assessment and referral of tongue-tie. This year, we’re focusing on ‘Seeing The Wider Perspective: The Team Approach’, learning who may be involved in working with tongue-tied babies. Important as it is to learn skilled clinical assessment of the breastfeed and also of the infant’s oral anatomy, it is also important to know what skilled practitioners are available for referral and treatment and how we can work together to find solutions that meet mothers’ and babies’ needs. 


CERPs Approval C21541: Total hours 12
Total CERPS allocated: 9.75L CERPs 2.25R CERPs


Conference: Holiday Inn Auckland Airport: 2 Ascot Road Airport Oaks Auckland NZ

NZCLA: 2015 Seminar Series Brochure