ABA 2015 Seminar Series Breastfeeding: Life and Science Program 2

ABA 2015 Seminar Series Breastfeeding: Life and Science Program 2

25, 26 & 28 March 2015

Melbourne - Wed 25-Mar-2015, Adelaide - Thu 26-Mar-2015, PERTH - Sat 28-Mar-2015

08:00 AM
Registration - Tea and coffee
08:45 AM
Welcome and Open
09:00 AM
Development of the sensory system and the brain, from womb to birth and beyond - Nikk Conneman
10:00 AM
Through the looking glass – What happens to breastmilk in the infants stomach - Sharon Perrella
11:00 AM
Morning Tea
11:30 AM
Yes, you can breastfeed: Identifying and supporting mothers with insufficient glandular tissue (IGT) - Diana Cassar-Uhl
12:30 PM
Great expectations – Breastfeeding the late preterm baby - Sharon Perrella
01:15 PM
02:15 PM
The developmental care of the very low birth weight baby - Nikk Conneman
03:15 PM
How sweet... is it? Answers and questions about insulin's role in breast development and function - Diana Cassar-Uhl
04:15 PM

Sharon Perrella

Sharon Perrella

BAppSc PGradDipClinNsg(Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing) GradCertHealth(Child Adolescent & Family Health Nursing) MSc RN RM IBCLC

Sharon Perrella is a research fellow at the Geddes Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group at The University of Western Australia and works as a IBCLC at One For Women. Sharon has an extensive clinical background in neonatal nursing, and experience as a peer breastfeeding counsellor with the Australian Breastfeeding Association.

She has a special interest in preterm breastfeeding, and milk production. Since being awarded a PhD in 2015 Sharon has used ultrasound and intraoral vacuum measurement to examine sucking dynamics and suck-swallowbreathe coordination, while her current work focuses on the identification and management of women at risk of reduced breastfeeding duration.


Nikk Conneman

Nikk Conneman

Nikk Conneman is on staff as a pediatrician-neonatologist at Eramusmc-Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. He has both clinical and outpatient responsibilities.

His main objective is to further change the caregiving model from a systems’ driven, to an individualized family and patient centred developmental care model.

Nikk is also a senior NIDCAP Trainer and Director of the Sophia NIDCAP Training Centre. He has NIDCAP trained NICU professionals and guided NICU’s all over the world towards a more family and patient centred developmental care approach.


Diana Cassar-Uhl

Diana Cassar-Uhl

Diana Cassar-Uhl is passionate about being an agent for change, Diana is a frequent presenter at breastfeeding education events.

Many of her areas of expertise stem from her own experiences, which she sought to understand and raise awareness of for other mothers. Whether the topic is cultural, such as breastfeeding in the military, or technical, like breastfeeding with insufficient glandular tissue, Diana’s enthusiasm and passion for educating shine through in her presentations.

Having begun studies toward a Master of Public Health in 2011, Diana looks forward to a career in maternal/child health. Diana, mother to three breastfed children, served as a clarinetist on active U.S. Army duty from 1995-2012.