Breastfeeding: Challenge your thinking - Seminar Series - Program 1 Live

February 2014

Adelaide - Wed 19-Feb-2014, Perth - Thu 20-Feb-2014

08:00 AM
08:45 AM
Welcome and open
09:00 AM
Failure to launch: Working with the baby who has difficulty latching, latches but won't suck or who won't latch at all. - Alison K. Hazelbaker
10:00 AM
Implementing BFHI for babies admitted to SCN - Dr David Todd
11:00 AM
Morning tea
11:30 AM
What mothers want to know about breastfeeding: Issues, case studies and information from the Australian Breastfeeding Association Breastfeeding Helpline - Renee Kam
12:15 PM
Assessing and treating infant sucking problems - Alison K. Hazelbaker
01:15 PM
02:15 PM
Tongue ties: Divide and conquer When to divide and prevent an interruption in breastfeeding - Dr David Todd
03:15 PM
What every lactation professional needs to know about formula feeding - Renee Kam
04:15 PM

Alison K. Hazelbaker

Alison K. Hazelbaker


Dr Hazelbaker has been in private practice for nearly 40 years. She has been cross trained in several modalities to best assist her clients. She is a licensed massage therapist, a craniosacral therapist, a pre and perinatal educator, a certified Rhythmic Movement practitioner, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She teaches the series of classes that comprise the Certified Independent Lactation Therapist Diploma program that features craniosacral therapy as the foundational skill.

Dr David Todd

Dr David Todd


Dr Todd is Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University Medical School, and CMO in the Department of Neonatology at the Centenary Hospital for Women and Babies in Canberra, Australia. He has been working in Neonatology for 34 years - first as a scientist obtaining a MSc and PhD in Neonatal respiratory physiology and pathology and then studying medicine to qualify in 1999. His main areas of interests are 1) infant ventilation and the development of the newborn lung, 2) retinopathy of prematurity and 3) infant nutrition including breastfeeding and the treatment of tongue tie in problematic breastfeeding. He was first trained to divide tongue ties in Southampton UK in 1999 and then on returning to Westmead Hospital in Sydney in 2002 started up the practice of tongue tie division there. He moved to Canberra in 2006 and has been treating babies with tongue tie and breastfeeding difficulties since that time.


Renee Kam

Renee Kam

Renee Kam qualified with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from The University of Melbourne in 2000. She then worked as a physiotherapist for 6 years, predominantly in the areas of women’s health, paediatric and musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Renee became a mother in 2006 with the birth of her first daughter, Jessica and then her second daughter, Lara, in 2009. She became an Australian Breastfeeding Association Breastfeeding Counsellor in 2010 and has run private antenatal baby education classes since 2008. In 2011 Renee obtained the credential of International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and has worked in private practice ever since. In 2013, Renee’s book, The Newborn Baby Manual, was published which covers the topics that Renee is passionate about; breastfeeding, baby sleep and baby behaviour.