ABA 2015 Seminar Series Workshop Patient and Family Integrated Care

ABA 2015 Seminar Series Workshop Patient and Family Integrated Care

Melbourne, VIC: 24 March 2015

Workshop – Individualised Developmental Patient and Family Integrated Care in the NICU and Beyond

09:00 AM
The developing sensory system and the brain. - Nikk Conneman
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
individualizing care for the prematurely born infant and his family: The Synactive Theory of development, NIDCAP and some science behind it. Video observations by the participants - Nikk Conneman
12:00 PM
01:00 PM
Patient and Family Integrated Individualized Developmental Care: Implementation process, System changes, Caesarian Section in a Family integrated style - Nikk Conneman
03:00 PM
03:15 PM
Skin to skin care: what every parent wants to know? What all caregivers should know. Video presentations and discussion - Nikk Conneman

Nikk Conneman

Nikk Conneman

Nikk Conneman is on staff as a pediatrician-neonatologist at Eramusmc-Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. He has both clinical and outpatient responsibilities.

His main objective is to further change the caregiving model from a systems’ driven, to an individualized family and patient centred developmental care model.

Nikk is also a senior NIDCAP Trainer and Director of the Sophia NIDCAP Training Centre. He has NIDCAP trained NICU professionals and guided NICU’s all over the world towards a more family and patient centred developmental care approach.