Lactation in Action - Sydney

Lactation in Action - Sydney

Sydney, : November 9th 2022

08:00 AM
Registration open: Tea and coffee served
08:30 AM
Welcome and Opening
08:45 AM

The estrobolome is a collection of influential bacteria, fungi, and viruses (part of the microbiome) in the gut that impact estrogen release and hormonal function. This delicate balance of bacteria has a significant impact on estrogen creation. This influences the operation of the reproductive system, regulation of body fat, brain function, and cardiovascular and bone health. The estrobolome also plays a major role in the health and function of the mammary gland. As much as we know about the microbiome, not enough attention has been paid to the relationship of the estrobolome and lactation success. Gut dysbiosis is now recognized as playing a role in a baby’s food sensitivities and allergies, but it is now time to look at the microbiome’s impact on lactation itself and the the long-term health of the mammary gland regarding breast cancer. This presentation addresses what we know now about the estrobolome, how it functions, it’s relationship with reproductive organs, potential impacts on the mammary function, and how we can create positive change in the gut for optimal estrobolome performance. 1 L Cerp (IBLCE Content Outline: I, II, III, IV)

  • I Development and Nutrition
  • II Physiology & Endocrinology
  • III Pathology
  • IV Pharmacology & Toxicology


Who knew? The estrobolome and the mammary gland - Laurel Wilson
09:45 AM

Nipple pain affects 95% of breastfeeding women and approx one third experience macroscopic trauma. Nipple pain is a common reason for breastfeeding cessation, and so early, aggressive assessment and management is important. Nipple candidiasis is commonly diagnosed clinically as a cause of nipple pain in the absence of macroscopic trauma. Treatment with topical (and often oral) antifungals is frequently started empirically without swab culture confirmation of the diagnosis. Nipple vasospasm has similar symptoms to those frequently diagnosed as nipple candidiasis and should be addressed in the assessment and treatment of nipple trauma. 1 L Cerp (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII)

  • I Development and Nutrition
  • II Physiology & Endocrinology
  • III Pathology
  • IV Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • V Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology
  • VI Techniques
  • VII Clinical Skills
Assessment and management of nipple pain and trauma in breastfeeding patients - Eliza Hannam
10:45 AM
Morning Tea
11:15 AM

The topic covers where dentistry and breastfeeding intersect; dental health while pregnant and breastfeeding for mother and infant.

After this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Increase knowledge and confidence in caring for breastfeeding dyads dental health
  • Counter common myths about teeth, caries (dental decay), dental care and orofacial development
  • Understand the safety of dental procedures and medications while breastfeeding

1 L Cerp (IBLCE Content Outline: I, II, III, IV, VII)

  • I Development and Nutrition
  • II Physiology & Endocrinology
  • III Pathology
  • IV Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • VII Clinical Skills


Fangs, Feeds and Fables - Alison Walsh
12:15 PM

With the rise of the digital era, it was only a matter of time before technology would place a strategic eye on women/people with breasts and uteri. FemTech means anything and everything that involves the technology, diagnostics, software, and services involving menstruation, fertility, adoption, pregnancy, fertility, or womyn’s health. The industry is approaching a $100 Billion market per year. This exploding area of digitized health support has many celebrating, however, just as many people worry about issues such as privacy and surveillance. There are also more profound questions involving intersectionality, equitable access, and exploitation of segments of the population that FemTech can take advantage of or leave out altogether. Join Laurel Wilson, lactivist and avid research reviewer, on this journey through some of the current lactation and perinatal FemTech available, and implications in the world of lactation.

1 L Cerp (IBLCE Content Outline: V, VI)

Is Fem Tech our friend? The fabulous and the frightening significance in lactation - Laurel Wilson
01:15 PM
02:15 PM

This presentation will explore what induced lactation is, circumstances where it may be needed and review several real case studies of induced lactation and their outcomes. Participants will come away with a deeper knowledge and understanding of inducing lactation, as well as how to better counsel and support families who choose this path. 1 L Cerp (I, II, IV, V, VI, VII)

  • I Development and Nutrition
  • II Physiology & Endocrinology
  • IV Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • V Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology
  • VI Techniques
  • VII Clinical Skills
Breastfeeding in the context of developmental trauma - Melody Jackson
03:15 PM

Who hasn’t heard of the microbiome lately? New research suggests that the microbiome plays an important role in our gut health, communication between the gut-brain axis, mood stability, even cardiac health. This session focuses on how humans seed the gut microbiome during the critical thousand days of a baby’s life and why human milk plays such a vital role in creating a healthy gut and ultimately positive long-term health outcomes.

1 L Cerp (IBLCE Content Outline: I, II, III, IV)

Gut reaction: How human milk and breastfeeding/chestfeeding transforms the gut and long term health - Laurel Wilson
04:15 PM

Laurel Wilson

Laurel Wilson


Laurel is an author, international keynote speaker, and pregnancy and lactation specialist. She loves to blend today’s recent scientific findings with the mind/body/spirit wisdom. She owns MotherJourney, focusing on training perinatal professionals on integrative and holistic information regarding pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Wilson is the co-author of two books - The Attachment Pregnancy and The Greatest Pregnancy Ever and contributing author to Round the Circle: Doulas Talk About Themselves. She served as the Executive Director of Lactation Programs for CAPPA for 16 years and now is on the Senior Advisor Board.




Eliza Hannam

Eliza Hannam


Dr Eliza Hannam is a Fellow of the Australian College of General Practitioners. Eliza has developed a focus on all things “Womens Health” including contraception, pregnancy planning, GP antenatal (pregnancy) shared care, postnatal care, women’s mental health and menopause. Eliza is passionate about providing holistic postnatal care. She is a Possums Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC) accredited practitioner and an IBCLC. She also has a Dip. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Melody Jackson

Melody Jackson


Dr Melody Jackson is a GP and IBCLC and runs a private practice for parents and babies. She has a keen interest in women’s health, mental health, and antenatal and postnatal care. She completed a Dip. of Child Health and a Dip. of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (counselling). Melody is also currently studying a Postgraduate Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies. She is a Possums Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC) accredited practitioner and an Adjunct Clinical Lecturer at University of Notre Dame, Sydney.

Alison Walsh

Alison Walsh


Dr Alison Walsh qualified as a medical doctor in 1988. She has been practicing as a general GP with interest in women’s health and food intolerance. She is now focusing on her favorite topic - all things mums, bubs and lactation! She has a Diploma of Obstetrics as well as qualifications as an Australian Breastfeeding Association Volunteer Breastfeeding Counselor (2001), IBCLC and Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC/Possums) Practitioner (2021).