Sponsors, exhibitors and the WHO code

Opportunities exist to connect with health professionals through sponsoring, advertising or exhibiting at our conferences


Breastfeeding Conferences welcomes WHO compliant companies and organisations to sponsor our conferences or activities.

Why Sponsor Breastfeeding Conferences?
Breastfeeding Conferences is an internationally recognised conference and education provider since 2012. Our email newsletters reach more than 12,000 contacts who are healthcare providers in Australia and around the world. Sponsoring with Breastfeeding Conferences allows you to connect with people who value the products you provide for health care professionals and new families.

A variety of opportunities exist:

  • Website sponsorship
  • E-newsletter advertising
  • Sponsorship of online events
  • Sponsorship of live events (recommencing 2022)

For more information     Contact Us Now

Sponsors, exhibitors and the WHO code

WHO Code

Please note: Breastfeeding Conferences only accepts advertising & sponsorship from WHO code companies - we will not accept any sponsorship from companies not in compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Subsititues. All sponsors and advertisers are required to sign an agreement confirming that they are WHO code Compliant.